The back of the bed moves down, then back up The front left corner of the bed moves down, then back up The right side of the bed moves down, then back up The left side of the bed moves down, then back up The motor will rotate clockwise first, then back counterclockwise

Note, if you have trouble seeing what direction a motor is rotating, try adding a small sharpy mark on the pulley For some motors, we will verify direction again later, nowever ideally all motors will be running correctly at the end of this test. (If the endstop is defined at position_endstop=0 then at the start of each movement the stepper will move away from the endstop.) It will perform this oscillation ten times. The STEPPER_BUZZ command will cause the given stepper to move one millimeter in a positive direction and then it will return to its starting position. To verify that each stepper motor is operating correctly, send the following command in the terminal: Perform the above steps again with the bed. If the temperature does not increase, then verify the heater_pin setting in the config. After several minutes the temperature should start to return to its initial room temperature value. Then go to the “Tool” temperature drop-down box and select “Off”. The extruder temperature in the graph should start to increase (within about 10 seconds or so). Navigate to the temperature graph and type in 50 followed by enter in the “Tool” temperature target feild. If the temperatures are not accurate, review the sensor_type and sensor_pin settings for the extruder and/or bed.

If it is increasing, remove power from the printer.

Verify that the temperature of the nozzle and bed are present and not increasing. Navigate to the Octoprint/Mainsail temperature graph. Start by verifying that temperatures are being properly reported. The numbers underneath X, Y, and Z control the movement distance. It’s also a good idea to issue a STATUS command after every RESTART to verify that the config file is successfully loaded.Īny time commands are requested to be issued, those will happen in the ‘Terminal’ or ‘Console’ tab of the OctoPrint, Mainsail, or Fluidd web UI, in the box for entering commands directly.Īny time movements need to be made, those will happen in the ‘Control’ tab / section of the Octoprint, Mainsail, or Fluidd web UI. Be sure to issue a RESTART command after every change to the config file to ensure that the change takes effect (type “restart” in the Octoprint or Mainsail terminal and then click “Send”). During this guide, it may be necessary to make changes to the Klipper config file. This section provides a list of steps to help confirm the pin settings in the Klipper printer.cfg file.